How are you feeling today? How am I feeling today? We should ask this question to ourselves and others in our environment.
We generally overlook health, specifically Mental Health struggles, that we fail to recognize. While there is no life free of pain, the growth lies in challenging problems thrown at us.
We as women, must take time to focus on our mental health, take time for self, without feeling guilty or selfish. The world will see us the way we see us and treat us the way we treat ourselves.
Even with improved awareness, we have much to do. Educating ourselves is only one aspect. We should also increase mental health awareness and foster a supportive community to fight the stigma around this fundamental human right.
Our minds, thoughts and feelings need to be cared for frequently. Mental health is governed by internal as well as external factors. Our Mental Health influences so much about how we move through life, how we view ourselves and how we relate to others,
So how am I feeling today? Ask daily. It helps